Fact Checking Policy:The highest priority will be given to the field report (Sorejamin) information of the Daily Amar Habiganj reporter. In case of news from different countries, we need to do a fact check from multiple sources. The information provided by the police or the government office or any other sources will be published as their own statement until it is verified in our own inquiry. In that case we won’t take the responsibility.
Ethics Policy: In this case, global media policies, gender sensitivity, the law and order of Bangladesh and digital security Acts will be followed.
Correction Policy: If anything found wrong, then it will be accepted with responsibility and amendment mention will be made.
Owners & Funding Info: The Daily Amar Habiganj is a publication owned and funded by the Voluntary Social Organization(VSO), Amar MP. “Amar MP Social Voluntary Organization” (Habi-724/2017) registered under the VOLUNTARY SOCIAL WELFARE AGENCIES (REGISTRATION AND CONTROL) ORDINANCE, 1961, (ORDINANCE NO. XLVI OF 1961, SECTION 4(3)) on 14th Feb 2017 is a pioneering, non-profit making and non-partisan initiative created by a group of Bangladeshi online activists and spearheaded by Sushanta Das Gupta.
DSS.gov.bd Regi No- Habi-724/2017
D-U-N-S No: 731654187.
SAM: Active.
Editorial Team Info: This information will be published online and printed edition.